JOY the Elf 2017 (elf on the shelf)

Week 1- Nutcracker
Dec 4- Arrival from "Russia"
Our elf returned with her passport and suitcase. She had been in Russia learning the Nutcracker ballet and wanted to introduce it to us! The kids loved her costume.
Dec 5- Dancing Snowflakes
When we woke up this morning, we found beautiful, intricate snowflake ballerinas. The kids tried paper snowflakes for themselves but found them a bit difficult for their skill level.
Dec 6- Nutcracker Music
Joy spent time in the Christmas Tree. Easy. We watched sections of the Nutcracker on Youtube and were surprised to hear many musical pieces that we recognized.
Dec 7- Nutcracker and Nuts
I thought I had a Nutcracker doll in the house, but I think I gave it away (minimizing/organizing kick). I was wanting to show the kids the difference between the two types of nutcrackers. Joy brought us a modern nutcracker and a bowl of nuts. The kids had never cracked nuts before and really enjoyed the activity. Next time, I need to give them less nuts.
Dec 8- Family Movie Night Frosty
For our first Christmas movie of the season, we watched the old Frosty movie. Joy dressed as a snowman to kick off our special event. The kids enjoyed their snowballs (donut holes), snowflakes (popcorn), snowman noses (carrots), and melted snowmen (water) snacks.
Dec. 9- Sickness
Joy had a head cold and spent the day in bed. Another easy one (mommy win).
Dec. 10- Snowgies
When Elsa is sick, she produces Snowgies. I thought it would be fun for Joy to create some as well. The kids ate all the Snowgie as soon as they left their rooms that morning. Oops!
Resources and Ideas
- preschool printable pack
- illustrating the Nutcracker printable book
- snowflake ballerinas (and the kids' version)
- Nutcracker Montessori preschool ideas
- Montessori printable pack
- Nutcracker books for kids
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